Dude like really…..

So according to your friend who is a Chinese national! Chocolate poodles taste better than white poodles!

Fuck yea, next time that fucker is on my property I’m firing up the grill and we’re gunna have some poodle brisket!

I would grill up the geezer too but according to the “real cannibals”! Old people steaks are tough and gamy!

These tri-tips on the other hand were perfection! Excellent steak sandwich, meat!


Do I have to put load straps in or?

In all the years I’ve been driving, I have never heard a driver ask a yard hostler that question! Shipping clerk yes, yard hostler no…..

To hilarious to pass up……


I just messaged dispatch that unless I leave shortly. They will have to find one of these high quality drivers sitting here at the yard to run this 360 mile load!

Lo and behold, suddenly they have a place with an empty! Ahhh! Imagine that!

You don’t think the reason they keep forcing these shit loads on me is due to the fact. All of these high quality drivers they say they have. Really ain’t that high quality, do you?


The load I just dropped! Dispatch changed the appointment time 3 times in the last 2 days I was under that load! Then in their infinite wisdom they had me drop it. Pre planned me on another load that picks up by 2200 tonight.

Oh but wait, they have no empties any where around here! So right now the princess’s up in dispatch are doing the, “ oh your going to have to wait until we find an empty. Or the “ planner” says it’s ok to bobtail for load!”

Ya know, I keep asking them if I should send in for detention pay? Cus I’m getting really fucking tired of trying to do my job. All while no one else does there’s! cretes big thing this week is forcing drivers to work for free! I have no intentions of working for free! Comprende’?

So because they didn’t do theirs, I know have to sit around unpaid. While they finally do there job that should have been done before I even got here!

Funny part is, there’s plenty of empties! All attached to trucks that supposably have no loads! Roflmao!

All this, for a 360 mile load! Yup, you heard me correct! A 360 mile load! Wow, how sad….. welcome to working for Crete carriers!

Man, that’s kind of suck……

Grants I’m guessing the reason you’re wearing rustlers with holes in them. Because you can’t afford a new pair of pants because of your drinking problem!

I mean, you just walked through the truck fueling area. Bought a can of beer. And then had to walk out the front doors so none of the other drivers saw that you bought a beer and we’re headed back to your truck……

My recommendation grapes, give up the beer and buy a new pair of rustlers…..

Looky there…..

A 360 mile load for a national long haul driver! Oh and imagine that, it’s going to Atlanta! Figure that one out princess!


What do you think is gonna happen if I go and slap a restraining order against every one of you redhead stepchildren of the company family who have walked by, touched or been on my property at home?

Telling ya brah…..

You drivers really need to get off the road and start taking care of your old ladies! I’m not lying about seeing so many that are seriously methed ( crank ) out!

I understand the draw to an 8 ball of some good brown Mexican dooda! But you people are borderline junkies…..

Get off the road and start taking care of your families! Otherwise your probably gunna loose them to dope…..

FYI, there is no place on the road for meth heads, pot heads, freebaser’s ( crack! ) and drunks! Comprende’?

Do you want to know……

What batch of stupid I deal with on daily basis? I stopped at the petro today and I was super fucking hungry cause I haven’t eaten anything but soup in like two days.

So I decided get one of those meals from the deli. So I tell the cashier I would like to have chicken meal please. I would like mac and cheese and jambalaya as my sides!

He proceeded to tell me they don’t have jambalaya, and I need to choose something else!

So we both walked over to the deli case and I had to say, “I’d like one of those half chickens a side of that macaroni and cheese and a side of that spicy rice with cut up sausage and crab in it……

That’s the type of stupid i deal with daily…..

Imagine that…..

33 miles of unpaid deadhead! Oh but don’t worry, they have an excuse as to why….. of course it’s not in your favor! Never is…..

Why would I……

Fight the same batch of stupid over and over and over again? I’ve made my point a million times and it’s fallen on deaf ears.

so I have two options. I either fight you again or I let the people who actually have some power to do something about it, do their job…..

And as to how these are connected their Tommy boy, if I can’t trust the people I’m supposed to be able to rely on and trust this trucking game is futile…..

And are you drivers……

Who are the leaving grocery bags full of empty liquor bottles behind the trailers at the truck stops! Sober enough to drive?

I would be thinking if you’re leaving that many empty bottles behind you might have a drinking problem!

I rarely drink and I never drink on the road unless I’ve broke down somewhere and ain’t gonna move for a few days!

From the looks of the bag I saw behind the trailer when I was taking a shit! One of you people has a serious fucking drinking problem and probably shouldn’t be behind the wheel at all!

if you can’t go to sleep at night without having a beer first. You’re probably an alcoholic…….

I survived the night……

Other than the fact, I had to take a monster shit out behind the truck. Because almost 24 hours yesterday the truckstop had no power. And they wouldn’t let you in to use the restroom unless all of their systems were working!

Stupid I know, but after 24 hours, I felt I needed to really evacuate! So sorry to the dude that has to clean the lot, but I had to finish my reset before I could leave!

On a good note, I caught a Mexican that was fucking with my truck! Ok he was trying to steal fuel! Shortly after him I Then caught another white guy trying to fuck with my truck! They look so familiar…..

So I survived the night…..

Damn drivers……

After seeing so many of your old ladies, the last couple of days in person. I really think you fuckers need to get off the road and start taking care of your whores!

I don’t know whether you know this or not but you drivers have a big problem with your old ladies doing way too two meth!

Matter fact, if I keep seeing your old ladies and coincidentally at the truckstop that I’m at. I’m gonna start taking pictures and showing you how fucking methed out your old ladies are!

Tried telling you…..

I dunno……

Man I can seriously come up with some good stories when people ask me where I’m going and what I’m hauling!

Last guy was way too interested! Today I’m heading to Atlanta to unload a trailer of ping pong balls that were blown into the trailer!

I’m thinking next dude I’ll say, a highly flammable load of plastic that only a person in a fire suit can open the trailer! ( that’s from experience! Actually hauled that load! )

And I’ll probably say I’m headed to Greenland with it!

I’m not a good liar…… but it works!

Find me another exit zero anywhere in the country!

Oh this sucks…..

Been here all day! Was a thunder storm this morning, nicked out power! Well over 12 hours, still no power! No shitter, no soda, no caffeine!

Luckily I have food in the truck and the determination to live!

It’s been tough, I just might survive the day…..

If for some reason I don’t make it. Tell my wife, all the documents she will need are in the “ special safe!” Do not sell my guitars for the price I said I bought them for! Most of all, tell the kids I love them and sue the fuck out of the white trash brigade!

I just figured……

Out why you drivers ain’t making any money! I just spent 15 minutes waiting for lunch! All while I just listened to you flap your fucking lips the ENTIRE time!

Oddly, not saying one word of any value!

So my suggestion, y’all shut your fucking holes and drive!


I don’t give a shit about football! So ladies, I’m available for dinner tonight!

I’ll even buy! Give you ladies a chance to get out of those mobile homes your old man put you in…..

So let me get this right…

So you’re trying to put a fresh spin or new face on years of harassment? So you can publicly justify your batch of stupidity.?

You dumb motherfuckers gotta be Trump supporters…..

Cause last time I checked harassment because someone makes more than you or does a better job than you. It’s still fucking illegal no matter what face or spin you put on it.! Dumb motherfuckers!

Thinking about going to the final Black Sabbath show I’m pretty sure I can get my travel credentials in order before then the only thing is is I’m not a big Black Sabbath fan. I would be going to see all the other people that are playing before them……