About is if this lamp will be sufficient enough to replace that nasty Turkish lamp? My old lady is very picky in her whiskey tango things!
So knowing this isn’t really whiskey tango! I hope it will pass for her Xmas present? Stay tuned!

About is if this lamp will be sufficient enough to replace that nasty Turkish lamp? My old lady is very picky in her whiskey tango things!
So knowing this isn’t really whiskey tango! I hope it will pass for her Xmas present? Stay tuned!
Mother fucker even work here any more? cus this guy is on vacation more than the 3 weeks allotted for personnel…..
Even if I don’t work here I will be set up…..
Eww maybe I’ll get fired first! That would be the bestest Xmas present ever!
Crossing fingers!
The daughter won the contest! She correctly guessed when they would start playing 24hr Xmas music! today 110624, was the official first day!
Congrats crissy, you win exactly nothing…… woot woot!
Remove the video doorbell from view on helloween! It was neat to see a few kids and their wonderful costumes! After 163 videos, yea I’m kinda not that interested anymore! 🙂
Happy helloween to all!
P.s. you ever seen a witch fluffing a Xmas tree on helloween night? Now you have!