Of stupid, day after day after day! How can you people take a paycheck and not feel at all guilty for steeling?
God damn, that’s obviously what religion does to people…..

Of stupid, day after day after day! How can you people take a paycheck and not feel at all guilty for steeling?
God damn, that’s obviously what religion does to people…..
I had training on this like 3+ years ago! It wasn’t until recently this thing actually started working!
Then of course it shortly goes back to this bullshit!
I just drive the truck mother fucker! Nine times out of ten, I’m guessing on most this shit! Considering I had training on it 3 fucking years ago and until recently I didn’t actually use it…..
My guess either I don’t need to do this for this delivery or it’s still hooked to US Express? Whom I’m guessing was actually supposed to take this load but didn’t…..
I pulled into the truck stop yesterday during a white out. If I can’t see the road I ain’t going!
So I sit for a few hours and it didn’t get much better!
Normally I would have tried to hoof it over the mountain. Yet I’m on an unfamiliar route. Pulling unfamiliar gear and empty ta boot!
So I wake up this am and look at the road cameras. It looks exactly the same as it did yesterday except with this cool new glaze atop the roads.
So I decided rather than risk it. I’ll wait till first light and head out! I mean it is 1 degree here right now! It’s not like anything is going to melt!
Odd thing is, I notified dispatch multiple times I ain’t going to make this pre plan they have me on. According to them it has to be picked up by 1400 as that’s when the shipper closes! Yet I still await an unpreplan notification!
Oddly I have been waiting on that too since yesterday…..
Not everybody has the work ethic like I do. I get that, I wish those people the best of luck in everything they do.
Yet those people who seem to like to fuck with people likevme because I can run those kind of miles safely and as close to legal as possible….
Those are the ones I’m shitting on every fucking day.
I have a long-standing rule, I don’t fuck with anybody until they fuck with me! At that point, I take off the gloves, and I will gladly cunt punch any one of them!
So to those who are happy with what they are doing, congratulations! Those who are unhappy with what they’re doing, that feels the need to take it out on someone like me. I’m just out here to do my fucking job and go the fuck home to people. I actually give a shit about……
See ya…..
It’s like when I first started here back in 2002. I was sitting up there at pampers in Utah and another company geriatric showed up and began to tell me his life story while we waited.
You know who I’m talking about he had black hair had prostate cancer like 14 times. In my eyes, he was a real piece of shit. I think he also had a kid adult kid with a severe adult acne problem?
Anyway, after I finally got this fucker off of telling me his life fucking story. He proceeded to tell me in a very threatening way that he expected to make $40,000 a year! And he would do whatever he had to do to get that. Which he insinuated he would fuck with another driver‘s equipment or load.
That was three months after I started with this company! That should tell you what sort of low rent cocksuckers I’ve had to deal with here last 23 fucking years.
All I can say to that dude and his family if he’s not still alive! Your dad was a piece of shit,and his God finally sent him to where he belongs! Hopefully He’s burning in the crimson pit of hell right now……
He earned it!
Really got to suck knowing a 83 year old metal head satanist is continuously outperforming you 35 year old punk ass bitches?
I know if I were you people! Ide be embarrassed as fuck! I mean you preach peace, love and godliness! All while being the selfish, greedy, incompetent, low rent racists you have proven you is!
God damn, exactly who is Holier than whom?
Am I having to apologize for this company again?
The load I turned down on the 11th due to me only having 5 hours available for the 12th and 13th. Just arrived here at the same time I did to deliver to this store!
How is this my fault? I can’t do 550 miles on 5 hours! Or are you just blaming the biggest guy in the prison block to hide your fucking stupidity?
But as I was told, the receiver here said she spoke to dispatch yesterday that she can only take 1 truck a day! Yet here we are…..
Y’all are fucked up! As to why I should ever have to apologize for something I have zero control over. Yet feel obligated to so as not to loose another customer due to you mother fuckers negligence…..
Man, it’s gotta suck being the bitches of the trucking industry! Yet In your defense, you are the Leaders of some of the industries best and brightest trucker tarded!
Oh and don’t forget to “ praise Jesus! “
We did come up with a working prototype for the auto trailer lock That was controlled by either your people net or your qc.
It came down to two prototypes. One that was in the hinge. The second one was on the doors where they come together when you close them.
Unfortunately, with the ages of the trailers that are out here on the road now. the only one that held true for the entire leg of trial. Was the hinge design lock!
When a trailer gets older, it has hundreds of thousands or even millions of miles on it. The rear doors start to move. They start to loosen. They start to do weird things. The one thing that stays true 98% of the time is the hinge. ( unless it’s a swift trailer! Then those are consistently broken off….. )
So to answer your question, our hinge lock works great. But like every theft deterrent system, it can be breached. The easiest way was you had to cut off all three to 4+ door hinges…..
The other way was to cut a hole in the side of the trailer……
So I’m going to say our r&d paid off and we got a good system!
I’m deciding whether I want to listen to you flap your lips for 2 hours about something you haven’t a fucking clue the true realities about? Or wipe my ass with sandpaper?
Hmmmmm, I have decided, wiping my ass with sandpaper would be far more productive…..
And yes, he looks exactly like a young Cpt. Spaulding!
4 day old underoos to take the picture!
lol, just covered them up with a pair of carhartts!
Weird thing is, the new terminal manager asked if I even wanted her in the picture? That was weird cus I’ve never had a problem with the lady! I thought she was fine! Far superior to Janell! I’m sure my opinion will change the first time I get in trouble….. 😉
Oh and SLC has a new assistant manager! Roflmao! Let’s see how long this one lasts! like I told the guy, I gave up on caring after the wade – lying on my application fiasco of 2003…. Oh and the old guy who had all the heart surgeries, dewsnup! Yea didn’t really care after that! Wade, Brandon, dewsnup……
But thank you to those who notice my hard fucking work…..
So when you see my picture in the company propaganda board. The reason I’m wearing my carhartt bibs is cus my spandex pants smell like butthole and ballsweat!
The Columbus yard! If it wasn’t for the fact that I ran out of hours as I hit the entrance. I wouldn’t have stayed!
I would be like all the other smart drivers, dropped, hooked and rolled the fuck on outta there! the stupid is awww inspiring!
Yet since I had only been awake 20 minutes before the slackers had managed to piss me off! I figured it wise to hook and roll! Get to somewhere with less stupidity and more welcome! Rather than the idiotism that is the terminals!
Anyone else noticing that more and more company drivers are stopping outside of a yard, than in! There’s a reason for that!
The only real question I have is why ain’t you geezers wearing your women wigs at work? You’re proud enough to show me and my wife your women in training. Yet don’t have the balls to show all your “ family” at work that you love the cock?
I don’t give a shit what your sticking your dick in! As long as it ain’t a kid, helpless animals! Or forcibly on anyone! Yet I digress,
Why is it you don’t show your work “ family?” I ain’t your family and I don’t fucking care!
I’ve also noticed that the slackers have to stick together! If it wasn’t for that “ family” they wouldn’t be shit! the group helps slackers show “ worth”! Yet outside of that they are seriously below average workers!
The theory is, there is power in unity! Meaning if all the slackers stick together. No one will be the wiser to their slackerdumb!
So when actual hard working folk come around! They are fucked with and harassed, in hopes they will get fired or quit! That way the “ family” slackerdumb maintains status quo and the bosses never realize that fact!
Welp I’m done taking a shit! See ya!
The wet spot next to that parking spot I saved for you! As I knew you were going to need a place to break as you had just driven a full hour without stopping, pretty, pretty princess!
My old lady so giggled when I explained to her why I keep calling you drivers pretty, pretty princess’s…..
Last nights dinner was bean stalkerish! So tonight it’s sheetz for the win!
It’s fixed! And the inside tire ain’t flats no more!
My penis is hard with excitement over this!
Right, I obviously don’t know a thing about trucking! You and your batch of newbies obviously know far more than I do…..
Picture, included with every post!
Knows no bounds! Roflmao! It’s amazing how what’s good for the goose, isn’t good for the gander!
Back to continual issues with the elogs! I won’t bore you with repetitive posts, cus we all know what’s going on…..
When you keep forcing someone to do a job they didn’t hire on to do. That mistakes will be made!
I’m pretty sure, the more you force it. The more mistakes will happen!
Im also definite in knowing, the more the harassment the bigger the lawsuit!
The who’s who of company cockroaches are here today! Delivering at the very same place as i!
I feel so lucky to be privileged enough to even walk the same crosswalk as these unfortunate souls!
Since hoping off of social media completely the slackers have now been reduced to spamming me the names of each of there members!
Only reason I know this is, there are a few, very unique first names of a couple of there members we discovered. Those unique and rare names have rolled across my spam box in the last few days…..
Sorry, was super duper tired last night when I stopped! So tonight I shall do a Vblog…..
Don’t let me forget to tell you about the stolen fuel, trash, the jacked up white pick up and the Taco Bell iPhone fiasco…..
It’ll be a cornucopia of slackerdumb!
Little princess’s ready to roll? Or did your mommy and daddy ground you after I told them you were acting out again?
Vblog tonight…..
Why you’re a failing sub-human!
My guess, your lazy cunt of an ass couldnt walk the 100 feet to dispose of your trash?
So instead, you put it on my catwalk! This is the perfect example of your batch of stupid acting out!
Should I call your mommy and daddy and let them know you’re not taking your meds again?
It’s just fucking stupid, man!
I would get mad but why? If you get replaced, it will be with another sub-human just like you!
The supply of sub-humans like you is endless! People like me are hard to come by……
See ya!
Don’t worry, I checked the bag for body parts and fetal tissue before I left it there on the ground…..
What is fucking wrong with you people? Is your mental illness so fucking strong it overlaps any batch of brains you have left?
I mean seriously you people are far beyond fucked up