I have officially given the road trolls a new nic! “ the asshat brigade!”
I really need to put a glossary on this site for the newbies…..

I have officially given the road trolls a new nic! “ the asshat brigade!”
I really need to put a glossary on this site for the newbies…..
It could be that you’re allowing your content to be reposted by the toothless wonders. Whom pass it off as their own. Stealing your thunder, ladies!
I can off the top of my head think of 20 people I follow that are full blown, low rent trucker trash powered fake accounts!
It’s their thing! If I comment they will definitely see it!
It’s a troll that’s obviously powered by the trucker stupid, satellite radio and the low iq everywhere…..
Same batch of stupid, different day…..
I did what you couldn’t! I actually backed into that spot via backing around the yellow safety pole! Avoiding both trailers that were over the lines!
Hell, the lady in receiving actually came out to watch a good driver work! She smiled and I think she even clapped when I got into that spot with zero incident!
My guess, by their reaction, you and your cronies were not that successful…..
Like I always say, why send a white haired bearded slacker in to do the job of a man! You know you will be disappointed every fucking time!
To pass off me going to that tattoo shop as your genius traffic driving skills? Roflmao!
God, you really are fucking insane…..
Just think if your parents weren’t such low rent piles of shit, and actually loved and cared about you! You wouldn’t be walking around my hood stealing packages off door steps!
By the way, if I catch you. Those gauges in your ears will be my new wall hangers for wich I will hang my dry cleaning!
Your Jean jackets will be framed along with a small patch of your skin as keepsakes of a job well done!
Who knows maybe I’ll go all Ilse Koch with what’s left….. either way, I win!
The wet spot next to that parking spot I saved for you! As I knew you were going to need a place to break as you had just driven a full hour without stopping, pretty, pretty princess!
My old lady so giggled when I explained to her why I keep calling you drivers pretty, pretty princess’s…..
Last nights dinner was bean stalkerish! So tonight it’s sheetz for the win!
The who’s who of company cockroaches are here today! Delivering at the very same place as i!
I feel so lucky to be privileged enough to even walk the same crosswalk as these unfortunate souls!
They are now sending the boys in the jacked up pick up trucks! That makes me feel better! Atleast I know if one of them rapes me. I won’t even feel it!
Thank goodness for stupid people! Cus without them. Who else is gunna be the worlds bitches?
In order for you to get my fingerprints to work on anything! You’re gunna need a good print!
So with that said, my recommendation is your gunna need to follow me around like puppy dogs! Ya know that way if I accidentally throw something away that I touched! You can use that!
But being a nice guy and returning a lost phone to the Taco Bell counter for the rightful owner. Ain’t gunna do it!
But for the cops you will get a partial print of my thumb and my index finger! Of course if you test it. It will also include chew, diesel and probably a little bit of booger residue!
Ya know, crazies will try to blame everyone else for their impropriety…..
Oh and if you’re missing an iPhone with a see through green case! It’s at the Taco Bell in the pilot…..
Reminds me of the time I was just randomly flipping through my permit book. Unbeknownst to me, found 2 company papers for other drivers. Names, birthdates, address and social security numbers on them! as to how they got there? Fuck of I know!
Matter of fact it wasn’t until recently that the lawyers and I figured out how they got there and why they were there….
See ya!
Tired of dealing with workplace sociopath who continue to tell you you haven’t earned your place at this company nor running the kind of freight that you chose.
Anyone else really fucking tired of dealing with people who are all all powerful yet can’t do anything?
Anyone else tired of being told oh it’ll get better it’ll get better. It’ll get better and it never fucking does you just get more bullshit more lies more incompetence….
And don’t forget it’s always your fault. You’re the reason it’s not happening……
The slacker jackers are awwwwl upset! I won’t tell them where my bitcoin is or how I got the limit, buy and sell bot to work!
Awwwwl! So sad!
Even pup pup is laughing at you fucking low rent posers……
With friends like that, it’s nice to see that if you were to ever lose your job, you can call in a favor and get one of those high paying jobs in the food, service, or adult bookstore janitorial service industries!
We are all so jealous…..
I have removed myself from the majority of slacker smedia! They are literally back to custom spamming in order for me to hear there bullshit!
Wich is funny cus my spam filter has blocked 95% of their bullshit!
May your god have mercy on your souls! Cus I sure the fuck won’t!
$110,000 – $125,000
That old biblical saying, “ you can give a man a fish, he eats for a day! You teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime!”
That is a crock of shit all the way around! Cus no matter what you do, that man is to lazy to do a fucking thing for himself!
The thinking is, “ if YOU know how to fish, why would they bother to learn? “ They just keep coming back to you to get free fish! Cus they know, you know how to fish!
So my suggestion, y’all need to learn how to fish cus I ain’t feeding you nor your families anymore! Comprende? Posers!
Yako, Paco, Taco, and that white jack off who thinks he’s a rockstar!
I really want to jump that!
I’ve been documenting this shit! Y’all didn’t give a fuck about that! Honestly I believe you encouraged the harassment and bullshit!
Yet now that there is some serious power behind the accusations or “ lies “ as y’all have told me for years.
Suddenly you care! Awwww!
Don’t forget to tell me I’m crazy….. that definitely will power your…..
What I’m really enjoying now is your definet determination! I stopped social media and bam, the hacking attempts on my phone and server have increased. The malicious emails have risen in count.
It’s now my turn to smile and watch y’all continue to dig those graves! With only your sporks and the willful bliss of stupidity!
Good day to you, slackers…..
P.s. like up in Washington where I delivered about a week ago. I took the road into the shipper and it looked great. I pulled out of the shipper/ receiver and lo and behold the road was now covered in cut bolt seals…..
Another one of those mysterious coincidences that oddly the odds are against it being coincidences any more…..
See ya, slackers!
Double p.s. the wanker I didn’t post pics of was a recognizable old man wearing a black wig! While driving with his dick in his hand and making sure I saw his self pleasure endeavor!
If I posted his picture, you would be shocked to know, you know him…..
I love it! I start months before the next suspected crypto run with Vblogs, this and that! Y’all ignore it, then when the crypto run hits. Y’all get mad cus once again I’m making a buttload! With a capitol B of money!
It actually makes me smile and realize y’all are idiots! Next to actually investing your money for you. I see no hope…..
Funny part is there a couple of people who actually listen and watch. Oddly, even with as little money as they invest. They too walk away with good gains!
Good luck to ya posers! sorry that once again you screwed yourselves silly! Cus I’m just shy of 1/4 of my $20,000 easy ravioli projection and this run just started!
Tell ya what, if I hit my $20k projection or better. I’ll buy y’all the biggest dildo I can find. That way y’all can keep screwing yourselves even after the market run ends!
Before you annoy me any more! You should hunt down a guru that goes by the name, “ macavelli!”
Ask that low rent cunt how much someone like me has cost them in replacing the tech it left available for someone like us to play on…..
Keep in mind, I don’t ever fuck with anyone unless they have fucked with me first! Comprende’?
My guess it will tell you to beware….
Forgot to ask, bozo! Did you finally manage to to crack my smtp/pop3 server? From 2 days ago?
Luckily I don’t deal with it personally! I have a friend that tracks all that shit for me…..
So did you?
This batch of stupid are Schneider and England drivers? Cus owner ops and good company drivers don’t have the time to play in your batch……
Cus they are all busy running freight….