I pulled into the truck stop yesterday during a white out. If I can’t see the road I ain’t going!
So I sit for a few hours and it didn’t get much better!
Normally I would have tried to hoof it over the mountain. Yet I’m on an unfamiliar route. Pulling unfamiliar gear and empty ta boot!
So I wake up this am and look at the road cameras. It looks exactly the same as it did yesterday except with this cool new glaze atop the roads.
So I decided rather than risk it. I’ll wait till first light and head out! I mean it is 1 degree here right now! It’s not like anything is going to melt!
Odd thing is, I notified dispatch multiple times I ain’t going to make this pre plan they have me on. According to them it has to be picked up by 1400 as that’s when the shipper closes! Yet I still await an unpreplan notification!
Oddly I have been waiting on that too since yesterday…..