You and your “ family” are quite familiar with the people there…..

You and your “ family” are quite familiar with the people there…..
I’ll make a wrong turn and sometimes I have to turn around head back to where I started and when I get back on the road, I’ll see your psychotic smiling faces that used to be behind me now passing me going the other way.
It actually warms my heart to know exactly how important I am to you people…..
Even though it is illegal, and quite psychotic, still warms my heart. Knowing I am that fucking important to you a complete stranger!
Nobody I would ever run into or even wanna know in life. Yeah here you are, I’m the reason you wake up in the morning, the reason you hop in your car and drive around aimlessly! It really warms my heart……
To the point I almost wanna say I am the equivalent of your God…..
Now I know what rock ‘n’ roll stars deal with!
I’ll pray to sweet baby Jesus in your people’s honor, amen!
Now send me your tithe money, I gave you my attention for a few minutes!
Ladies be at church? Ya know, pretending to be good people in the eyes of your lord and savior?
Cause if I know the Bible at all being in a liquor store is a sin! Remember, temptation…..
Me, I’m on the hunt for some blueberry Red Bull……
Saw a tik tok last night of this recently shaved headed dude posting “ screen shots” of his $2.5 million dollar Coinbase balance! Roflmao!
Ok, I will tell you it is very simple to creat a simple html page that looks exactly like a Coinbase app!
I see fake crypto shit like that all the fucking time! Don’t be fooled by flashy stupidity!
Really do your own homework! That’s really all I can say! Be smart where you invest your money! Who you invest your money with and most off all, who you trust with and about your money…..
If I see one more sob story about how your crypto walked away! I’m going to have to send y’all a straight razor so you to can finally win a Darwin Award of your very own…..
See ya!
Stopped to take my break at the truck stop and in walks some dude. Screaming, I just caught some dude stealing fuel out of my truck.
He then proceeds to ask the clerk, “ who do I call?” Roflmao!
So the clerk calls the cops and as I’m walking out I see on of those typical shaved heads come running in. Screaming, “ please don’t call the cops, please!”
Tell ya what, there is never a dull moment on the road!
P.s. wtf are these?