You haven’t figured…..

It out yet have you? It doesn’t matter where I am at online or in real life! The slackers will always have to find a way to harass!

They won’t stop, trolls and low rent, incompetent fools will just keep doing their psychotic stupidity!

Of course it probably doesn’t help that every once in a while I empower them by commenting on their stupidity!

Getting a reaction is the equivalent to a child rapists power over a victim! It really gets them off and empowers them to continue…..

But hey, it’s there time, and money they be a waisting! Like I said, if they are out here trolling truck drivers, they can’t be at home beating their kids or their spouses! Like they so love to brag about in passive conversation in the drivers lounges…..

Especially Texas and Ohio! They love to brag about how family violence is how they keep their people in line…..

Bwoop bwoop! See ya!

My recommendation homie…..

Before you annoy me any more! You should hunt down a guru that goes by the name, “ macavelli!”

Ask that low rent cunt how much someone like me has cost them in replacing the tech it left available for someone like us to play on…..

Keep in mind, I don’t ever fuck with anyone unless they have fucked with me first! Comprende’?

My guess it will tell you to beware….