All I can say is if I had to sit with an ass cheek on that cup holder on the side of the seat any longer! I was gunna beat someone!
Good show, long! Not enough Xmas music! Great musicianship! Why with the fucking cranes over the crowd?
If fire scares you, don’t go! Only difference between the tso show and a slayer show! A slayer show doesn’t have that much fire!
The finale was well needed! As my ass was hurting! the pyro technics were great at the end!
Like I said, good show! I’ll post the video on tik tok later!
Oh and the drunken midget golfer goober from Kgon was there! Yup, I was right, he’s a drunken midget!
And the old lady got to slap hands with the guitar player in the crowd! made her day! 🙂