So sad for you pookie! Your mental health has fallen so far that you’re stalking GOOD hard working folk now!
I understand your momma beat you, pimped you out to all her friends! I get that your angry that everyone else is succeeding while your falling into a deeper pit of despair and mental issues!
I’m not going to apologize for working hard to be the best I can be! I’m not going to apologize cus I can do what you can’t!
I will however start apologizing to the people you and yours continue to troll in the name of your sanity/ god / or whatever batshit crazy reason you have concocted this week! All because you and yours are incapable of doing your job and or doing it without running shit over!
I’m not driving your truck! You are! I’m the guy your newest strain of psychopathy is blaming for your problems!
I will continue to do what I do! If you don’t like it, call my lawyers! They would love to hear from you and yours…..
If not here is a link to get you and yours the much needed help you have earned!