In January! Vblog posting tonight!

In January! Vblog posting tonight!
Has changed except I have seriously consolidated the amount of tokens that are in hodl!
Keeping 30 at the moment! Will probably re-initiate some previous tokens when the time is right!
Today we wait to see about the rate reductions from the feds! According to this news alert I received last night! they did a CR on the budget deal…… wich is waiting to be passed!
So let’s see what happens…..
I will do my first buy in the Robinhood account later this week! With a clean slate and a will to live! 😉
Bwoop bwoop!
With these fucking people!
Eventually I will turn embedding of external videos back on! Someday!
This week watch out for the budget CR and if for some odd reason the Feds don’t do a rate reduction! That would be bad!
For right now markets are in a holding pattern! All except for bitcoin and ether!
If btc hits $125,000 I will officially be a very happy man!
I also decided that I have all this crypto that’s worth more than what I paid! It ain’t going anywhere right now! Fuck it, it’s about time to reap my rewards!
Tattoo’s and a gallon of crown royal and blueberry redbull for all. Ok just me and my kid! But damn it, I was thinking of you too when I was typing this!
So right now the easyravioli accounts have $1500 cash and $5000 in crypto…..
( that is the best god damn looking candle pie I have ever seen! )
That! Everyone is gearing for the future fed meeting and the ritual budget fiasco!
It’s all the usual shit, different day! Just another excuse to pull out and hope you can buy it all back at a lower price, bullshit!
Personally if I don’t see some worthwhile movement soon! I’ll be dumping and going again in the new year!
I didn’t buy more! ;(
Look at the bottom of this picture…..
These accounts were down 30 to 35% each just three days ago…..
$54 I had left in that account after withdrawing the $1200 in cash I put in to pay myself back!
Dump I was expecting days ago…..
That fucking easy! Comprende’?
At the same monies level I was on the last bull run ( that’s a pnw reference used to describe a bull market! “ bull run reservoir “ ….. )
This is the point where I pulled out exactly 1/2 of the account value to verify that yes indeed this is a trustworthy exchange!
I did Received my money, with delay! Perfect!
I will tell you I was concerned, as their phone support is powered with English is their second language tech support!
Some of that crypto that was stolen from me. That I decided to steal back! Minus my $bcd….. ( still trying to figure out how to get that out….. )
Little did I know that swapping out some shit coin for that $wld token would quadruple my monies so quickly!
Now to figure out how to get rid of that $GT without taking it in the ass on the swap!
Oh and I’ll be holding that 7.8 billion baby doge for like evar! 😉
The bitcoin ETF’s started at $50,000! Bitcoin just hit $100000!
I expected a much worse pull out than that!
Who sank $1500 into $pancake swap and blamed me for it going down!
1 – your an idiot! I deal in small buys $5, $10, $20 a week, bi-weekly or monthly! So I would never tell anyone to sink that sort of money into a single buy!
2 – you just might break even soon enough!
3 -fuck you and the camel toed hog you rode in on!
Have a nice day and if I ever get the opportunity to see you in person again! I promise my fist will hit your face…..
P.s. look at the bottom of the picture! That’s how much I paid! I didn’t sink $1500 in at $7 a token! Fucking moron!
Ever ask yourselves, “ how can he be so damn smart and sexy at the same time?”
Told ya! So! Hahahaha!
Listen to a fucking word you said! My $1200 is doing just fine!
I’m guessing your the example of why you don’t put all your eggs in one basket…..
Finally got the $7000 mark on the easyravioli accounts!
Only $3000 to go to hit my account minimum and $13,000 to go to hit my expected prediction! Bwoop bwoop!
Crypto totals….. sorry, slept in after enjoying that pot roast meal last night!
I ate way too many potato’s! 😉
Market dived a we bit last night around 0200 pst! But as you can see it’s back up, like my dick after looking at the naked pictures your sisters sent! Doh!
By far one the greatest weekends I have had since $etc went to $275 in 2021!
I’m not going to embarrass you with this weekends gains. I will tell you for a $1200 investment. I have more than 4x’s that!
Right now I’m waiting and hoping one of my 50,000 mobile hodls will hit the $220 mark! I really want to hit that free year of service….. 🙂
Fast! No more posting the Robinhood screen shot! New system coming soon!
Is always on top! You’re on the bottom and im the top that’s the way it’s always worked and always will work until the day I die!
I like my positioning where I’m at right now. This is where I’m going to stay for a little while. This will probably be the last time you see this account because I am almost at the thousand dollar mark……