Seeing. Troll life is rolling you and your sheeplings pretty damn hard, mutton!
Whatya expect though? The trucker tarded gene courses through y’all’s veins with vigor! unlike that chromosome your kids missing.….

No, you really short people and I mean really short like under 5 foot. Realize us taller people aren’t looking at you because we find you attractive or you look weird. We’re looking at you because we wanna make sure we don’t step on you when we walk by!
Cause a lot like little kids, you’re shifty and darty, just like little kids running around!
So remember, we don’t find you attractive. We’re not gonna hit on you. We’re trying to make sure we don’t step on you…….
P.s…. Also, granny you should stay away from McDonald’s at your age! That shit is way too high sodium……